
Hi, I'm Christa! 👋

When I'm not drinking iced mochas, searching for the perfect outfit at a thrift store, or obsessively checking Instagram, I'm art directing and designing UConn Magazine. I've dabbled in packaging design, letterpress design and blogging, and I'm always up for a new challenge. In my free time (ha, what even is that?!) you'll find me wandering the state finding new places to entertain myself, my husband and our 2 year old son.

I've worked with such brands as Vineyard Vines, the New Britain Museum of American Art, Third Piece and Prestige Brands and served on the board of the Connecticut Art Directors Club as President (2017-2019), VP (2016-2017), Secretary (2015-2016) and general board member starting in 2014.

[tumblr] [dribbble] // Check out my interviews with ConnCreatives here & here. // View my resume

Photo by Victoria Gloria Photography | 860.989.8779

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